Check all our videos from the event!

TCO20 - Closing and Awards Ceremony
Congrats to our TCO20 UI Design Champion!!
Congrats to our TCO20 Marathon Champion!!
Congrats to our TCO20 F2F Champion!!
Congrats to our TCO20 DevelopmentChampion!!
TCO20 Algorithm Finals Champion Reveal!
Congrats to our TCO20 Champion QA!
TCO20 - Algorithm Finals
TCO20 - UI Final w/ Adroc and Pereviki
TCO20 - QA Finals w/ crazyk and ksmacleod
TCO20 - Design Finals 2 Post Interview w/ yoki and tototpc
TCO20 - Design Finals 2 w/ Adroc, Pereviki, Tgerring, lcduggan
TCO20 - F2F Finals w/ Jcori and Akinwale
TCO20 - Where are they now? Topcoder Greats Edition and Gig Work w/Matty
TCO20 - UI Design Finals 1
TCO20 - UI Design Finals 1 - Post-Match Interview w/ rajeshrathod and iqbalhood
TCO20 - Where are they now! - Topcoder Admins Edition
TCO20 - Algorithm Semifinal 2
TCO20 - AMA with Topcoder CEO, Mike Morris and Mahestro
TCO20 - Algorithm Semifinal 2 - Post Match Interview with ecnerwal, Petr and scott_wu
20 Years of TCO and TCO20 Marathon Finals - The Final Hour Show!
TCO20 - Development Finals w/ Will Price and Tony Jefts
TCO20 - Marathon Finals Episode 1 w/ KaasanErinn and Dimkadimon
TCO20 - Algorithm Semifinal Round 1 Post Match Interview w/ Tourist and Neal Wu
TCO20 - Algorithm Semifinal Round 1 w/ Errichto, lg5293, scott_wu, petr
TCO20 - Opening Ceremony and Finalists Parade
TCO20 Welcome Video