Full-stack Copilot, MVP
Thomas Kranitsas Greece
Member since October 2015
“How much you learn will define how much you earn.”
Thomas is a full-stack Copilot mainly focused on backend technologies and as a MVP he is working with the Topcoder product development team to keep the platform running using cutting-edge technologies.
Over the course of his career, Thomas has held a variety of Topcoder roles such as community reviewer, Community Advisory Board member (CAB), and MVP and has worked on a plethora of projects for a wide variety of clients.
mvp accomplishments
Copiloted challenges
Copiloted projects
Fulfilment rate
Speaker at the Innovation Summit
Wrote several tutorials for Topcoder Thrive:
Was the author of 2 webinars: Debugging process or Topcoder challenges
Coding best practices
Did You Know That?
Thomas is an avid extreme sports athlete and is also a licensed paragliding pilot.